IALM 2024

May 21-23

Athens, Greece

Click here to download the IALM 2024 Book of Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to announce this Call for Abstracts for the 26th Triennial Meeting of the International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM 2024).

• Abstract submission deadline: 12 February 2024 (The procedure is now completed)

• Authors notification deadline: 4 March 2024

The presenting author must register and pay the registration fee by 18 March 2024. Each author can present up to three (3) abstracts. There is no limit to co-authorship.


Abstract Submission Guidelines

Once submitted, your abstract can be amended within the submission deadline. Please contact us at abstracts@ialm2024.org if you need to withdraw the submission. 



You will receive email confirmation that your abstract has been received, indicating the allocated abstract number. Please refer to this abstract number in all further correspondence regarding the abstract. Please, contact the Organizing Secretariat (abstracts@ialm2024.org) if you submit an abstract and do not receive confirmation that it has been received. Only the submitter will receive all information concerning the abstract and will be responsible for informing the other Authors of the status of the abstract.


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