On Line Registration

Registrations will be available onsite from 1/7/2024 at the Registration Desk operating at the Agricultural University of Athens.

is now closed

Early fee Late fee On site fee

Delegate Member

530,00 €

580,00 €

630,00 €
Delegate Non Member   

580,00 €

630,00 €

680,00 €

180,00 €

180,00 €

180,00 €
LMIC Delegate**   

300,00 €

350,00 €

400,00 €
Daily Pass   

300,00 €

300,00 €

300,00 €
Accompanying Person   

200,00 €

200,00 €

200,00 €

*For Student Registration, a Valid Student ID (with reference to current valid enrollment), needs to be provided through the online registration process.

**LMIC (Low and Middle Income Countries as defined by the World Bank). Should you choose the LMIC Registration Category, please be informed that a passport copy AND a confirmation of current employment needs to be provided.

Relevant proofs/documents should be sent to the Professional Congress Organizer at registration@ageng2024.com

Registration fees do not include insurance of participants against accidents, sickness, cancellation, theft, property loss or damage. Participants are advised to make their own insurance arrangements ahead of the event.

Important Note: Registration and Payment Deadlines

To ensure your papers and oral presentations are included in the final program, registration must be completed by April 29th.  All payments must be finalized by May 6th including bank transfers. Failure to meet these deadlines may result in exclusion from the program.

Registration Fee Entitlements
Attendance to all Sessions & Welcome Reception
Conference Material & Abstarct Documentation (link)
Coffee and Lunch during Official Breaks
Certificate of Attendance 

Daily Pass Registration Fee Entitlements
Attendance to all Sessions of the day
Conference Material & Abstarct Documentation (link)
Coffee and Lunch during Official Breaks
Certificate of Attendance 

Accompanying Person Registration Fee Entitlements
Attendance to all exhibition areas & Welcome Reception
A 4h Parthenon tour & Acropolis Museum visit free of charge

For Terms and Conditions please click here

Congress correspondence & updates: T: + 2106833600  E: info@ageng2024.com  W: www.ageng2024.com

Professional Congress Organizer: T: + 2106833600  E: info@convin.gr  W: www.convin.gr

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