Commitment to Community and Safety

At AgEng 2024, we are committed to fostering a culture of safety, community engagement, and social responsibility. As part of this commitment, we are delighted to announce a collaboration with the Voluntary Crisis Rescue Team (ΕΔΟΚ), who will be providing first aid services during the conference to ensure the well-being of all participants.

In recognition of the crucial role that ΕΔΟΚ plays, the Agricultural University of Athens will also collaborate with ΕΔΟΚ to conduct biannual first aid seminars. This initiative will be of vital importance and have a considerable social impact on the safety of students and administrative staff, ensuring a safer environment for everyone.


The Congress advocates and champions the values of sustainability for society and its people. It implements a multitude of measures aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of the event. From the initial event planning to execution, and from the moment you begin considering your travel arrangements until your return from the conference, this congress is committed to instigating sustainable solutions, serving as an inspiration, and elevating both learning and awareness. The objective is to ensure that the positive impacts significantly outweigh the negative ones.

Key sustainability measures include:

·        Selecting local suppliers to minimize long-distance transportation of goods and personnel

·        Minimizing printing and striving for a nearly paperless office environment

·        Providing contactless check-in for delegates and congress visitors

·        Reducing energy consumption through the use of LED lighting and screens

·        Limiting the number and variety of amenities

·        Choosing catering partners with compost food and waste programs

·        Selecting seasonal and regional food for catering

·        Encouraging delegates to walk to and from meeting sessions and promoting the use of public transportation, such as metro, hybrid buses, trolleybuses, and trams.

Congress correspondence & updates: T: + 2106833600  E: info@ageng2024.com  W: www.ageng2024.com

Professional Congress Organizer: T: + 2106833600  E: info@convin.gr  W: www.convin.gr

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