10th Mediterranean Neuroscience Society Conference

June 7th to June 11th, 2025

Chania, Crete, Greece

Call for symposium proposals 

The 10th Mediterranean Neuroscience Conference, to be held in Crete, Greece, from June 7-11, 2025, is now accepting submissions for symposium proposals from countries worldwide. A typical symposium includes 1-2 chairs and features 4-5 speakers, each offering a unique perspective on a common theme. Please note that symposium chairs do not necessarily have to serve as speakers. Proposals should strive to reflect diversity in terms of country of origin, career stage, and gender, in line with our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity *. It is strongly encouraged that symposium chairs and speakers come from different countries and institutions.

We particularly welcome proposals that include at least one chair or speaker from an under-represented country, especially from the South Mediterranean region. Each proposed symposium will have a total allocated time of 2 hours. While linked symposia may be proposed, their joint acceptance is not guaranteed, as we aim to maximize thematic diversity across the conference. We warmly invite symposia proposals that cover a broad range of neuroscience research areas, including but not limited to biomedical research, clinical studies, genetics, neuroendocrinology, imaging, computational neuroscience, history, bioethics, and neuroscience education.

MNS is not covering registration, accommodation or travel costs for symposium speakers, due to limited budget resources. Young investigators are encouraged to apply for MNS 2025 travel awards. The organizing committee of MNS 2025 has the right to propose amendments in the structure of the symposium.

*For example, a symposium about cannabinoids as an antiepileptic, with an organizer and four speakers who are all men that are senior in their career and come from Rome, would receive lower priority than would a proposal from a mixture of men and women, some junior in their career, from different countries, tackling not just clinical trials, but a topic that transcends cannabinoids and epilepsy, such as cannabinoids effects across different conditions, and includes a talk involving animal studies or basic mechanisms.


Please send us your proposal no later than 30 November 2024 via the MNS webpage. Kindly take into consideration that only MNS members that have paid their dues for 2024 can submit symposium proposals for MNS 2025 Conference.