8th Summer School of Immunology

24 – 27 May, 2021


(all times in Central European Time)  

Vassili Soumelis

Vassili SOUMELIS is professor of immunology at the Université de Paris, and director of the INSERM Unit “Human Immunology, Pathophysiology, Immunotherapy” at the Saint Louis Research Institute in Paris. His team combines expertise in immunology, computational biology, and medicine. He coordinated a European FP6 Excellence Grant (2005-2009), participated in a EuroTransbio project (2007-2009), coordinated bioinformatics and systems biology in the European consortium MAARS (FP7), and received ERC consolidator and proof-of-concept grants.

He is also the coordinator of the H2020 project ImmunAID, working on multi-omics data integration for the diagnostic classification of rare auto-inflammatory diseases.

Pr. SOUMELIS has published over 100 scientific articles in international journals. He is serving as a reviewer for many research journals, including Nature, Immunity, Nature Communications, the Journal of Experimental Medicine, Plos Computational Biology.