8th Summer School of Immunology
24 – 27 May, 2021
(all times in Central European Time)
Dr. Kemper is a Senior Investigator and Section Chief at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the NIH and an Adjunct Professor of the University of Lübeck in Germany.
Dr. Kemper received her Ph.D. in Immunology in 1998 from the Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine, in Germany where she worked on the evolutionary aspect of complement regulatory proteins. She joined John Atkinson’s laboratory as a postdoctoral fellow at Washington University in Saint Louis in 1999 where she discovered that the complement regulator CD46 is a key checkpoint in human Th1 induction and contraction. Dr. Kemper moved her laboratory to King’s College London in 2008, where she was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012 and Full Professor in 2015. At King’s College London, Dr. Kemper’s group discovered an intracellularly active complement system (the complosome) which serves unexpected non-canonical roles in cell physiology, including the regulation of key metabolic pathways. She became a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator in 2013. In 2017, Dr. Kemper joined the intramural research program of the NIH and her research focusses on the non-canonical roles of complement in cell physiology in health and disease.