8th Summer School of Immunology
24 – 27 May, 2021
(all times in Central European Time)
Which device should I use to participate in the 8th Summer School of Immunology virtually?
You will need a desktop or laptop computer that has a working internet. Please make sure to have installed the latest version of Google Chrome, which is the browser that guarantees maximum compatibility with embedded video. Please note that you are responsible yourself for a properly functioning and charged device. Any modern operating system should work. You may log in by entering your e-mail address, and either the password that you used during your registration or the personal PIN that will be sent to you a few days before the 8th Summer School of Immunology.
The device that I will use for online participation has a camera installed: will I be visible to other participants or anyone else, during Summer School?
No, you will not be visible, unless you decide to activate your camera during networking functions or one-to-one meetings with other attendees.
My internet connection is not working properly. Will I be able to participate virtually in the Congress?
As a Virtual attendee, you will need most and foremost a strong internet connection. A connection of at least 2Mbps is recommended for watching the conference, and at least 8Mbps of wired connection for presenters and chairs.
Can I test my access to the virtual environment ahead of the Congress?
Yes, you can do this. Attendees will have the opportunity to test the online platform as early as one week before the event.
Presenters will be allocated a specific rehearsal time slot. All dates will be announced by May 10th, 2021.
Can I ask questions as a virtual participant of the 8th Summer School of Immunology?
Yes, provided that there is a Q&A module available in a session. Note that speakers may bundle attendee’s questions by theme.
Speakers may refrain from answering questions if answering the number of questions exceeds the time frame of their Session.
Which platform is used to video broadcasting?
Our platform uses Zoom for the scientific sessions. Make sure that you are logging in from a network that allows the use of Zoom. Some corporate or university networks employ restrictive firewalls, if that is the case you may prefer to access the Summer School from a different location.
As of which moment can I log into the 8th Summer School of Immunology virtually?
You can log in as of 60 minutes before the start of the 8th Summer School of Immunology.
Once you have done so, you are counted as a delegate, attending the Summer School virtually, even if you leave before the start or at any time during the Summer School (whether or not due to an internet connection failure).
We encourage you to log in timely and not to do this last minute.
Are there any rules and conditions set by the Organizers that apply to the Hybrid 8th Summer School of Immunology?
Yes, you can refer to the Hybrid 8th Summer School of Immunology Policy, which concerns all participants.
As a virtual attendee, please make sure you have also read the Policy for Virtual Attendees of the 8th Summer School of Immunology.
The online platform is not allowing me to log in, what should I do?
Please contact apolyrakis@convin.gr
How do the Organizers ensures that online participation will be without issues?
The Organizers offer the application through third parties that have such experience. However, even though the Organizers has given its best efforts to ensure delegates are offered the best possible service, they cannot guarantee that virtual attendees will not experience issues that are common to any innovative application.
When I participate online, will other delegates be informed that I am participating or do they have the possibility to know that?
Upon logging in to the virtual platform for the first time, you will be given the option to choose which exact information you wish to share with other attendees. This information will be shown:
· In the Meeting Hub,
· Networking Functions and
· Any other module that involves interaction with other attendees, excluding scientific sessions.
When there is a failure in my network connection, or my device stops working during the Summer School, will I be able to log in and continue to participate in the virtual Summer School once the connection has been restored?
Yes, assuming you have logged in successfully prior to the start of the virtual Summer School, you will be able to continue to attend the Summer School after the network connection has been restored. You will also be able to attend anything you might have missed due to the technical problem you have come up with, since all sessions will be recorded and available to all virtual registrants after the Summer School.
Will I be able to ask questions or say something during the virtual 8th Summer School of Immunology?
When participating online you will only be able to watch the webcast and to submit your question(s) in writing through each session’s relevant functionality.
We cannot guarantee though that all questions received will be answered, since there might be the case that the number of questions exceeds the time frame of the Session.