How can I find out information about hotels and rates?
Detailed information about hotels and rates can be found in our congress accommodation page.
How can I book my own room and is payment in advance required ?
You may book your room through the online services booking form. Full payment is required in order to confirm your booking.
Will I receive a hotel confirmation?
Yes. A detailed confirmation will be sent to your email as soon as the booking is confirmed and the requested payment is received.
I will not be able to attend. How can I cancel my hotel reservation?
Any change or cancellation request, needs to be sent in writing to the Professional Congress Organizer at reservations@............................ . Based on the date of your request, the relevant cancellation policy will apply according to the Terms & Conditions
Will I be refunded for my hotel reservation, in case of cancellation?
Detailed information about hotel cancellation policy can be found in relevant section of the Congress Terms & Conditions
Summer School Secretariat
Convin S.A. - 29 K. Varnali str., 1533 Chalandri, Athens, Greece