ECHSA 2022 Policy
By registering for an ECHSA Event, you acknowledge your registration is subject to ECHSA's Privacy Policy.
All virtual attendees of the ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting must comply with the ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting Policy.
If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact
Preliminary remarks
ECHSA strongly believes in attendee's participation and in this respect intends to facilitate virtual access for attendees to its 2022 Annual Meeting through the use of electronic means (a “Virtual Meeting”) next to on premises access.
ECHSA facilitates Virtual Meetings by providing attendees the opportunity to follow the proceedings of the meeting and to participate virtually during the Meeting.
ECHSA is not required by law to facilitate Virtual Meetings. ECHSA explicitly reminds its attendees that this is a new application and ECHSA will offer this possibility for the first time. Even though ECHSA has used its best efforts to ensure that attendees are offered the best in market, attendees may experience issues that are common to any innovative application.
Capitalized definitions used are explained in the Annex to this Policy.
- General
1.1 ECHSA aims to assist the 2022 Annual Meeting delegates who wish to attend the Meeting virtually by providing an adequate opportunity to participate electronically and in real time during the Virtual Meeting.
1.2 The platform for the Virtual Meeting will be provided by CONVIN S.A. with access via CONVIN S.A..
1.3 Virtual attendees must identify themselves electronically via CONVIN S.A. to enter the Virtual Meeting through a secured access as set out in the Terms of Use of CONVIN S.A..
1.4 Participation instructions for Attendees will be included in the relevant convocation of the Virtual Meeting.
1.5 ECHSA reserves the right at all times to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the mechanisms for electronic participation when this becomes necessary or advisable for technical or security reasons.
- Special Assistance
ECHSA is committed to diversity, inclusion, and making our website and the 2022 Annual Meeting website and other digital assets readily accessible to the interested parties, including to those with disabilities. We are continually improving all digital assets to comply with all standard accessibility guidelines. If you have questions regarding accessibility of the site and content, please contact
- Meeting rights by Attendees in the Virtual Meeting
3.1 Each Attendee may follow the proceedings of the Virtual Meeting virtually and participate in real time electronically, provided that he/she timely selects this option via CONVIN S.A. in accordance with the instructions provided in the convocation of the Virtual Meeting.
3.2 Virtual Attendees are strongly advised to log in via CONVIN S.A. to the on-line platform facilitating the Virtual Meeting prior to the start of the ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting.
3.3 Delegates attending the Virtual Meeting virtually are counted at the start of the ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting for calculating how many Attendees are represented at the Virtual Meeting.
3.4 Meeting sessions will be recorded and will be made available for three (3) months after the Meeting.
- Cancellation
ECHSA reserves the right to cancel the ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.
- Technical infrastructure
5.1 ECHSA ensures, to the extent reasonably possible, that the technical infrastructure for virtual participation in a Virtual Meeting is properly in place, secured and accessible for Attendees with compatible devices. ECHSA will make use of reputable third parties for providing the technical infrastructure required for conducting Virtual Meetings.
5.2 Virtual Attendees should be aware that there will always be certain residual risks in relation to the technical infrastructure used for Virtual Meetings. These risks include, amongst others: any failure in virtual meeting equipment, software, network infrastructure, servers, internet or telephone connectivity, video or voice equipment, whether or not caused by an information security incident (which includes any unauthorized use, hacking, a Denial of Services attack, a denial of access, any failure or intrusion resulting from the theft or unlawful interception of a password or network access code and any other cyber-attack) or caused by any type of mechanical failure such as any electrical power outage during the Virtual Meeting. The failure of technology can happen both on the side of ECHSA (and/or CONVIN S.A.) or on the side of Virtual Attendees.
5.3 ECHSA will take all reasonable efforts to keep technical support lines available for Attendees who attend the meeting virtually.
5.4 Attendees may inform ECHSA of any failure of the technical infrastructure via the technical support lines. Any failure in virtual meeting equipment, software, network infrastructure, servers, internet or telephone connectivity, an electrical power outage or similar events, including an information security incident (which includes any unauthorized use, hacking, a Denial of Services attack, a denial of access, any failure or intrusion resulting from the theft or unlawful interception of a password or network access code and any other cyber-attack), that might prevent virtual participation in the Virtual Meeting, will in any event be at the risk and to the account of the attendee.
5.5 Any failure of the technical infrastructure that occurs during the Virtual ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting, which comes to the attention of the Organizer and which affects significantly the course of the Virtual Meeting, shall be communicated by the Organizer to all Attendees who participate virtually in the Meeting. The Organizer may decide at its own discretion, taking into account the potential impact on the decision making-process within the Virtual Meeting, whether or not the Virtual Meeting must be suspended or cancelled due to such failure, or proceed without the possibility for some or all Virtual Attendees to participate and/or follow the Meeting virtually.
5.6 Should the Organizer decide to cancel the whole Virtual ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting or the remainder of the Virtual Meeting as referred above (Clause 5.5), a new Meeting that does not have to be a Virtual one, will be convened by ECHSA as soon as reasonably possible. The agenda for that Meeting consists of at least the same items, to the extent not already adopted in the original meeting, and may include other items as well.
- Authorization for use of image, name and other likeness (Recording / Audio, Video, and still photography)
Copyright of the Virtual ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting program is owned by ECHSA.
ECHSA reserves all rights associated with the Virtual ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting, including (without limitation), the rights to all recordings or reproductions of presentations at this Meeting and all ECHSA Meetings and Symposia.
By attending the Virtual ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting or logging into the Virtual ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting website or application(s) and engaging in any interactive features, you agree that ECHSA and/or third parties authorized by ECHSA may photograph or record your likeness, image, name, voice, and/or words, and may publish, display, reproduce, copy, and distribute your likeness, image, name, voice, and/or words for, educational, or membership activities worldwide in all forms of media now known or later developed, including but not limited to advertising, training, websites, and presentations materials.
You further acknowledge that ECHSA and/or third parties authorized by ECHSA shall have the right, but not the obligation, to identify you in connection with such media by name and/or affiliation. No royalties will be payable in connection with this authorization or these uses.
Any photography, filming, taping, recording, or reproduction in any medium, including via the use of tripod-based equipment or screen recording applications, of any of the programs presented at the Virtual ECHSA 2022 Annual Meeting without the express written consent of ECHSA is strictly forbidden.
Exception: limited photography for, strictly personal, social, or noncommercial use, are permitted.
- Hybrid Virtual Event Code of Conduct Policy
You are invited to come as you are, and engage with data in a way that is meaningful and applicable to your own personal perspective. As such, we are committed to creating events (including virtual and/or hybrid events) that are diverse, inclusive, safe, and free from discrimination, regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, transgender status, age, disability, veteran or marital status, physical appearance or any other classification/characteristics (“personal characteristics”) protected by law.
ECHSA expects individuals to uphold the professional and educational purposes of ECHSA and its events by respecting the rights, privacy, safety, and dignity of all persons. ECHSA expects individuals to exercise professionalism, consideration, and respect in their speech and actions. ECHSA expects individuals to refrain from harassing speech and other harassing behavior.
- Scope and Application
The Virtual Event Code of Conduct Policy, apply to any Virtual gathering or event that is hosted or sponsored by ECHSA, including but not limited to hybrid and/or virtual Congresses, educational symposia, exhibits, committee meetings, written comment and discussion groups, professional gatherings, and platforms and settings ancillary thereto (each an “ECHSA Event”). This Policy applies to any and all participants in ECHSA Events, including but not limited to employees, members, volunteers, interns, guests, vendors, contractors, exhibitors, faculty, and other attendees (each a “Participant”).
All participants of ECHSA events must abide by the following policy:
- Expected Behavior
- Be considerate, respectful, and collaborative.
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behavior and speech (both verbal and written).
Alert event organizers if you notice any behavior that is not aligned with this code of conduct by emailing
- Unacceptable Behavior
Unacceptable behaviors may include but are not limited to:
- Unwelcome and uninvited attention or contact with another Participant
- Verbal or written comments, or visual images, that are sexually suggestive, or that denigrate or show hostility or aversion toward an individual, or group of individuals, or that create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment, or that unreasonably interfere with an individual’s ability to participate in the ECHSA Event;
- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other unwelcome physical, verbal, visual, or other conduct of a sexual nature;
- Inappropriate, unnecessary, or irrelevant use of nudity and/or sexual images;
- Intimidating, harassing, abusive, defamatory, profane, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech;
- Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to personal characteristics;
- Deliberate intimidation or stalking;
- Harassing photography or recording;
- Sustained or repeated disruption of talks or other events;
- Express or implied threat of physical or professional harm;
- Wearing clothing in video or photos that is not suitable for a professional work environment, that is provocative, inappropriate or otherwise potentially offensive.
- Possession of a weapon or any item that can be used as a weapon in your photos or video.
- Being intoxicated, as determined by ECHSA, in any event site or function. Please drink responsibly.
- Show casing or promoting any illegal substance in conversation, chat, photo, video, or text.
- Assembling for the purpose of, or resulting in, disturbing the peace, or committing any unlawful act or engaging in any offensive behavior.
- Any other illegal activity not already covered above.
- Failure to obey any of the rules or regulations of the event or instructions of the event staff.
- Sharing your event login credentials with other individuals.
How to report Unacceptable Behavior or Suspicious Person/Behavior.
Remember: if you See Something, Say Something
If you experience or witness a life safety emergency, please contact local law enforcement immediately.
If you have a complaint or concern about harassment, discrimination, bullying or any other conduct that violates the ECHSA Code of Conduct, we encourage you to contact us immediately. If you witness this happening to someone else, please report that, too.
You may request that your report remain completely confidential.
Contact via email: and someone will get back to you
- Communication from ECHSA
ECHSA will communicate with an individual who reports unacceptable behavior if the individual chooses to submit an attributed report.
ECHSA will also communicate with an individual concerning whom a report has been made, to the extent that ECHSA is able to identify and contact that individual.
The nature, scope, and content of any such communication is in the sole discretion of ECHSA.
If warranted, ECHSA may communicate more broadly with Participants at an ECHSA Event.
ECHSA has the right to communicate about its responses under this Policy to the employers or sponsors of involved Participant’s vendors, local law enforcement, media, and the public as ECHSA deems reasonable and appropriate.
Consequences of Reported Unacceptable Behavior
Upon receiving a report of unacceptable behavior, ECHSA’s first priority will be the safety and security of Participants. In order to preserve a safe, educational environment, ECHSA reserves the right to temporarily suspend or terminate specific features available to a Participant or to suspend or terminate the Participant’s entire account. When facts are in dispute or cannot be fully established, ECHSA reserves the right to take the action most likely to safeguard safety and security of Participants, including termination of a Participant’s account for the remainder of the ECHSA Event.
A report of an adjudicated or officially confirmed history of a Participant’s prior unacceptable behavior, if impacting the experience of other Participants at an ECHSA Event may, in ECHSA’s discretion, be the basis for a response under this Policy.
Violation of this Policy, as determined by ECHSA in its sole discretion, is grounds for any action that ECHSA deems appropriate, including but not limited to:
- warning the offender,
- denying the offender access to an ECHSA Event (including revoking or denying registration to an ECHSA Event),
- suspending or terminating the offender’s access to the ECHSA Event,
- barring the offender from other ECHSA future Event(s).
ECHSA reserves the right to take whatever action it, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate, with respect to the investigation of any matters related to this Policy.
Any person who is denied access to or whose access is terminated during an ECHSA Event based on this Policy may request that ECHSA review the matter after its Event has concluded.
However, ECHSA’s action will be effective immediately and will continue until and unless ECHSA issues a contrary decision. Unless a contrary decision is issued, any person who is denied access to or removed from an ECHSA Event based on this Policy will not be eligible for a refund of any registration fees paid for access to or participation in the ECHSA Event.
- Sample of the report “submission form”
(for Unacceptable Behavior or Suspicious Person/Behavior)
Introductory message:
Kindly note that the following information is needed to proceed with an investigation of the incident or behavior that you are reporting.
All the fields are optional so you can disclose as little, or as much, information as you are comfortable with sharing.
You may choose to remain anonymous; however, ECHSA will not be able to follow up with you about the report and may have less ability to investigate fully an anonymous report.
ECHSA will only use the information disclosed in this report for the purpose of investigating the report and responding in the manner described in the present Code of Conduct.
- Date of incident:
- Approximate time of incident:
- Name of person making this report:
- If this report is being made on behalf of another person, name of that other person:
- Contact information of person making this report (mobile phone and e-mail):
- Name of person whose behavior prompted this report (if known):
- Location where the incident occurred:
- Is the incident continuing?
- Brief description of the incident or behavior, and concerns:
- Names and contact information of witnesses to the incident (if available):
- Have you previously complained or provided information about this incident or related incidents to ECHSA, law enforcement, or other party?
If yes, when and to whom did you provide information?
Additional Comments/ statements at the end of the form:
Information must be truthful; any individual knowingly providing false information may be subject to disciplinary action by ECHSA.
Reports of incidents that are determined not to violate ECHSA's policy are not assumed to be false.
- Contact Information
For questions regarding ECHSA Events, please contact
The Code of Conduct may be revised at any time by ECHSA and the terms are non-negotiable. This Code of Conduct is without prejudice to ECHSA‘s rights, all of which it expressly reserves.
Together, we can ensure ECHSA Events are safe and welcoming experiences.