AgEng 2024 Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

Each oral presentation is allocated a total of 15 minutes (12 minutes for the presentation, plus 3 minutes of discussion/Q&A). Presenters are kindly requested to prepare their presentation accordingly, to ensure the smooth running of the conference program. The session chairs will make sure that each presenter is provided the same amount of time. The language of the conference is English and no simultaneous translation services will be provided.

Presentation files, in MS Powerpoint format, should be delivered to the 
designated staff within the auditorium or hall you will be allocated – preferably on the day before the session – and not later than during the morning of the day of the session, to ensure there is sufficient time to check and make any adjustments to the files. Speakers will not be able to use their own computers to present; they are also requested to be present at the session hall at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled opening time, to meet the chairs and converse on the session flow. There is no specific template for the Powerpoint file, as long as it’s in landscape (16:9) orientation.

Poster Presentations

Posters should be mounted on the designated poster board in the poster area at the designated day & time, which will be sent to you. Maximum size of the poster is size A0 in portrait format (84.1 cm width x 118.9 cm height). Presenters are reminded to bring their printed posters to the conference venue. No printing service will be provided on site. The conference staff will provide materials for fixing posters to boards.

Poster presenters are expected to be present during the Poster Sessions in which they are designated, to discuss their work with other attendees.

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