Plenary D: Addressing the challenge of paper mills through research and policy

Banqueting Hall
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
13:30 - 15:00
Banqueting Hall


Growing numbers of research publications, commentaries in science and mainstream media, as well as a 2022 COPE/STM report, have recognized paper mills as a major challenge to publication and research integrity. This plenary session will feature 3 international experts who will present the latest policy and research on paper mills. Deborah Kahn (UK) is a COPE director who played a lead role in the 2022 COPE/STM report on paper mills. Ms Kahn also co-chaired the 2023 United2Act global summit to address the challenge of paper mills. The United2Act Summit will produce an action plan that will be presented within this plenary session. Dr Lisa Parker (Australia) is a clinician scientist whose research identifies features of suspected fraudulent publications, including those from paper mills, to inform development of screening tools. Dr Parker’s research draws on expertise from a range of participants, including research integrity experts, systematic reviewers and publishers. Dr Thomas Stoeger (USA) is a data scientist whose research encompasses the literature analysis of suspected publications from paper mills. Dr Stoeger’s research analyses the temporal distributions of suspected paper mill products within broad journal cohorts, and how paper mill publication strategies may adapt in response to journal delisting.


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Dr. Lisa Parker
Honorary Senior Lecturer
The University Of Sydney

Paper mill submissions- identifying red flags for moving targets


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Prof. Thomas Stoeger
Assistant Professsor
Northwestern University

How research paper mills avoid consequences of journal de-indexing


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Ms. Deborah Kahn

United2Act on paper mills: an update



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Jennifer Byrne
Conjoint Professor
The University Of Sydney, NSW Health Pathology

Technical Support

John Smith
