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1st Thoracic US, Pleural Procedures and Thoracoscopy Course, 4-6 July 2024 
IP Unit of the 1st Respiratory Medicine Dept, NK University of Athens, "Sotiria" Thoracic Diseases Hospital of Athens, Greece

                Organised by                           In Co-operation with


                          Under the auspices of


Welcome Message

Dear colleagues,


This 3-day interactive hands-on course is offered to a limited number of Pulmonologists, Thoracic Surgeons or senior fellows in Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery, already experienced with basic pleural procedures who wish to gain more ample experience with advanced interventional modalities for the diagnostic approach of pleural diseases as well as with therapeutic procedures both for malignant and benign pleural effusions, neoplasms and pneumothorax.


During the course, participants will have the opportunity to attend didactic lectures and live procedures in relevant clinical cases performed by IP experts, while extensive hands-on training based on high fidelity simulators and realistic models will be offered under supervision of experienced mentors. Implementing competence assessment tools for each respective modality (Thoracic US, pleural catheter/drains insertion, LA thoracoscopy, VATS etc.) will allow participants to observe their progress during the course and faculty members to evaluate the didactic value of the training intervention.


This course will be a first step to familiarize participants with this Interventional Pulmonology (IP) field curriculum and will hopefully pave the way for future long term IP Fellowship Programs which are under way in Europe.


We look forward to your participation.


Prof. Gr. Stratakos MD PhD
Course organizer
Head of the IP Unit of the 1st Respiratory Medicine Dept, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
EABIP President
