Fluoride II
Ariadne Hall
Saturday, July 6, 2024 |
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM |
Ariadne Hall |
Ms. Maria Morawietz
Fraunhofer Institut for Microstructure of Materials and Systems
Determination and visualization of enamel fluoride uptake of fluoride with a new plant-based amine technology
Morawietz M* | Michler N | Ufer C | Gierth S | Kiesow A
Dr. Lidia Valadas
University of Buenos Aires
Total, soluble and ionic fluoride content in dentifrices for children commercialized in Argentina
Valadas LAR* | Sorazabal A | Argentieri AB | Salgado P | Lotif M | Squassi A
Mr. Leonardo Libardi Pagotto
Phd Student
Piracicaba Dental School, Unicamp
Evaluation of potentially bioavailable fluoride concentration in toothpastes sold in Madagascar
Pagotto LL* | Caroliny de Brito B L | Tabchoury CPM | Ricomini-Filho AP | Toussaint R | Razafimamonjy L | Raniviohalanto E | Marsais T | Holmgren C | Decroix B | Cury JA
Dr. Sotiria Davidopoulou
Assistant Professor
Dental School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
KI Reduces the staining after application of SDF and AgF
Davidopoulou S* | Mochamant I | Dionysopoulos D | Mourouzis P | Tolidis K
Dr. Catherine Volgenant
Clinical evidence on hydroxyapatite dentifrices for dental caries prevention: A systematic review
Pereira de Lima V | Pattinaja T | Volgenant CMC*
Dr. Steven Levy
U of Iowa
The Iowa Fluoride Study/Iowa Bone Development Study and dbGaP Repository Opportunities for Secondary Analysis
Steven Levy
U of Iowa
Antonio Pedro Ricomini Filho
Assistant Professor
Piracicaba Dental School, University Of Campinas