POSTER SESSION A-07: Joint and Latent Variables Models
POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)
Monday, July 22, 2024 |
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor) |
Dr. Behnaz Alafchi
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
P-A07-01 | Joint modelling of ordinal repeated measurements and multi-state survival data: A simulation study
Dr. Behnaz Alafchi
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
P-A07-02 | Simultaneous modelling of ordinal repeated measurements and multi-state data in the presence of cure fraction: A joint model
Dr. Denis Rustand
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
P-A07-03 | Swift inference and dynamic risk predictions for multivariate joint models using INLAjoint
Dr. Jun Ma
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
P-A07-04 | Joint modelling of longitudinal covariates and partly-interval censored survival data - A penalised likelihood approach
Ms. Farzana Osman
P-A07-05 | Investigating the role of longitudinal cytokine concentrations in HIV acquisition among women: A joint modelling approach
Ms. Rehema Ouko
Research Fellow
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
P-A07-06 | Joint modelling of non-time to event longitudinal data: A systematic review of methodology and applications
Mr. Edouard Bonneville
Leiden UMC, Netherlands
P-A07-07 | Quantifying associations between immune cell kinetics and (competing) allo-immunological events after allogeneic stem cell transplantation using joint models: Opportunities and challenges
Ms. Maren Hackenberg
University of Freiburg, Germany
P-A07-08 | Investigating a domain adaptation approach for integrating different measurement instruments in a longitudinal clinical registry
Dr. Eleni Kalamara
Data Analyst
European Union Agency for Asylum, Thessaloniki, Greece
P-A07-09 | Using latent profile analysis to understand burnout in a sample of Greek teachers
Mr. Evripidis Kapanidis
Ph.D Student
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
P-A07-10 | Utilising screening cohorts to model DCIS and invasive breast cancer
Dr. Elaheh Talebi-Ghane
Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
P-A07-11 | A correlated joint frailty model for recurrent and terminal events: Application to breast cancer patients
Mr. Abderrahim Oussama Batouche
Doctoral Researcher
University of Helsinki
P-A07-12 LB | A joint frailty model to assess the relationship between time to curative treatment and biochemical recurrence in Prostate Cancer patients