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POSTER SESSION B-03: Survival Analysis

POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)


Prof. Gizem Ayna Duran
Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

P-B03-01 | Identification and validation of survival-associated hub genes in the VAV1 gene network in acute myeloid leukemia

Dr. Aishwarya Bhaskaran
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

P-B03-02 | A maximum penalised likelihood approach for semiparametric accelerated failure time models with time-varying covariates and partly interval censoring

Ms. Marie Skov Breum
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

P-B03-03 | Efficient nonparametric estimators of discrimination measures with censored survival data

Ms. Roxane Couturier
INSERM UMR 53 CRESS, Paris, France

P-B03-04 | Evaluation of the Survival-inferred fragility index to assess the robustness of the estimated treatment effect on survival endpoints

Ms. Maria De Martino
University of Udine, Italy

P-B03-05 | Assessing different matching methods to evaluate the effectiveness of colchicine in treating myopericarditis

Dr. Fatih Kizilaslan
University of Oslo, Norway

P-B03-06 | Comprehensive analysis of parametric and semiparametric mixture cure models from low- to high-dimensional covariates settings

Dr. Shirin Moghaddam
Associate Professor
University of Limerick, Ireland

P-B03-07 | Penalised power-generalised Weibull distributional regression

Dr. Marilena Müller
DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

P-B03-08 | Cox regression for comparing a mixture of personalized treatment and standard of care to standard of care

Ms. Parastoo Niloofar
University of Galway, Ireland

P-B03-09 | Translating time to event data using the mean residual function

Ms. Tomomi Nishikawa
National Cancer Center East, Chiba, Japan

P-B03-10 | Examination on analyses for progression free survival as interval-censored data

Dr. Hugo Pedder
University of Bristol, United Kingdom

P-B03-11 | Information sharing in fractional polynomial network meta-analysis where studies report different summaries and subgroup categories: 2nd line treatments for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

Mr. Marius Robert
Phd Student
University of Bordeaux, France

P-B03-12 | Lead time bias correction in breast cancer screening studies

Mr. Mathieu Roche
University of Tours, France

P-B03-13 | Estimation of the Kendall’s Tau in cluster randomised trials with right censored time to event outcomes

Dr. Maral Saadati
DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany

P-B03-14 | Identification of predictive factors using tree-based models for survival outcomes

Ms. Marije Sluiskes
Leiden UMC, Netherlands

P-B03-15 | Peeling off the hazard layers: A comparison of relative survival techniques to disentangle different components of excess mortality in vulnerable groups during a crisis

Ms. Rachael Stannard
University of Leicester, United Kingdom

P-B03-16 | How to make fair comparisons of population-based survival before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of stage-standardisation

Ms. Yuhe Wang
Research Assistant
University of Leicester, United Kingdom

P-B03-17 | Season of neonatal discharge and risk of unplanned Paediatric Intensive Care Unit admission: A use of flexible parametric modelling

Dr. Yuh-Jenn Wu
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

P-B03-18 | Bayesian inference of Case II interval-censored data with non-proportionality

Mr. Toby Hackmann
Leiden UMC, Netherlands

P-B03-19 | Effective sample size for the Kaplan-Meier estimator: An intuitive measure of uncertainty?

Dr. Reshma Kassanjee
Senior Research Officer
University of Cape Town, South Africa

P-B03-20 | The estimation of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness by time since vaccination in a population-level observational cohort study using linkage of electronic medical records and survival models with time varying exposures
