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POSTER SESSION B-11: Analysis of Imperfect Data (including Missing Data & Measurement errors)

POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)


Dr. Joydeep Basu
Research Fellow
University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

P-B11-01 | Estimating treatment effect in longitudinal trials with monotone missingness for mixed observations

Dr. Vineet Kumar Kamal
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani, India

P-B11-02 | Assessment and comparison of classical and machine learning approaches for imputing missing data in the framework of excess hazard analysis

Dr. Michail Katsoulis
University College London, United Kingdom

P-B11-03 | A data driven approach to address missing data in the 1970 British birth cohort

Dr. Natasa Kejzar
University of Ljubljana Faculty of Medicine, Slovenia

P-B11-04 | Biomarkers with limit of detection: Modelling composite event in patients with PAD

Mr. Matteo Petrosino
University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

P-B11-05 | The use of Joint and Cox models to assess the association between a longitudinal marker and a time-to-event: A simulation study under different missing mechanisms and applications in ICU setting

Mr. Bohan Zhang
University of Manchester, United Kingdom

P-B11-06 | Investigating the performance of missing data methods when applied to time-series environmental exposure data: A simulation study

Ms. Saghar Garayemi
Augsburg University, Germany

P-B11-07 | Missing data imputation in the context of propensity score analysis: A systematic review

Dr. Emily Kawabata
University of Bristol, United Kingdom

P-B11-08 | Scoping review of software implementations of quantitative bias analysis to informatively missing data

Ms. Neža Dvoršak
University of Bath, United Kingdom

P-B11-09 | Accounting for missing data when calculating conditional/predictive power

Mr. Dominik Grathwohl
Société des Produits Nestlé, Lausanne, Switzerland

P-B11-10 | Quantifying the benefits of double measurements for anthropometric estimates in paediatric clinical trials

Prof. Stanislav Katina
Senior Statistician
Sotio, Prague, Czech Republic

P-B11-11 | Methods of estimating parameters of skewed or truncated normal distribution in the presence of observations outside of measurable range

Ms. Tamae Kawasaki
Associate Professor
Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan

P-B11-12 | Maximum likelihood estimation of the correlation coefficient for a trivariate normal distribution with missing data

Prof. Toshiro Tango
Center or Medical Statistics, Tokyo, Japan

P-B11-13 | Can we estimate a risk without observing the relevant number of cases?
