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POSTER SESSION B-08: Competing Risks and Multistate Models

POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)


Ms. Caroline Chesang
Phd Student
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

P-B08-01 | Estimating treatment effects when there are competing risks using real-world data: Application to prostate cancer

Ms. Chantelle Cornett
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

P-B08-02 | Penalisation methods for multi-state models: A comparative, simulation study

Dr. Ömer Faruk Dadaş
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey

P-B08-03 | A comparison between the joint model and landmark approach for dynamic prediction of competing risks in survival analysis with time-dependent covariates

Mr. Lorenzo Del Castello
University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy

P-B08-04 | An R function for data preparation for an acyclic multistate model with non-ordered intermediate states

Ms. Maryam Farhadizadeh
University of Freiburg, Germany

P-B08-05 | Enhancing healthcare understanding from clinical routine data by simplifying the representation of treatment pathways

Dr. Derek Hazard
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center, University of Freiburg, Germany

P-B08-06 | Balancing speed and detail: Assessing multi-state prediction models in the face of emerging pathogens

Mr. Jonatan Hedberg
Statistical Science Associate Director
AstraZeneca, Mölndal, Sweden

P-B08-07 | Marginal analysis of time spent hospitalised or exacerbating

Ms. Sandra Schmeller
Ulm University, Germany

P-B08-08 | The challenge of time-to-event analysis for multiple events: A guidance
