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POSTER SESSION A-04: Statistical Methods for Health Economic Evaluations

POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)
Monday, July 22, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
POSTER AREA (M1 building upper floor)


Prof. Samer Kharroubi
American University of Beirut, Lebanon

P-A04-01 | Use of a nonparametric Bayesian method to model health state preferences: An application to Lebanese SF-6D valuations

Prof. Samer Kharroubi
American University of Beirut, Lebanon

P-A04-02 | Bayesian modelling of health state preferences: Can existing preference data be used to generate better estimates?

Mr. Kazutaka Nishio
Osaka University Hospital, Japan

P-A04-03 | Validation of EQ-5D in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Dr. Petros Pechlivanoglou
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto ON, Canada

P-A04-04 | Impact of limited sample size and follow-up on partitioned survival or multistate modelling-based health economic models: A simulation study

Ms. Rahma Said
University of Leicester, United Kingdom

P-A04-05 | Comprehensive evidence synthesis: Embracing single-arm and non-randomised studies in network meta-analysis

Dr. Junfeng Wang
Assistant Professor
Utrecht University, Netherlands

P-A04-06 | A review of evidence level and causal support in prediction models of complications in health economic models of type 2 diabetes
