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INVITED SESSION 2: Recent Advances in Survival Analysis with Complex Data Structures

PLENARY HALL (Friends of Music)
Monday, July 22, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:02 PM
PLENARY HALL (M1 building upper floor)


Survival data is commonplace in biomedical research. The analysis of this type of data is often complicated by various issues including event type misclassification and imprecise measurement of the event times. In this session we address these two issues in the context of competing risks and multistate models. In the first talk, E-R Andrinopoulou will present a methodology for a joint modelling of (un)bounded longitudinal markers, competing risks, and recurrent event, using Cystic Fibrosis Data as example. In the second talk, Ying Zhang, will address the event-type misclassification issue in the context f semi-competing risks data under the gamma-frailty conditional Markov model. The session will conclude with Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, who will present a semiparametric approach for the analysis of clustered multistate current status data. In this type of data, event times are not precisely observed but are only known to be either less or greater than the observation time.


Dr. Eleni-Rosalina Andrinopoulou
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands

IS2-1 | Joint modelling of (un)bounded longitudinal markers, competing risks, and recurrent events in Cystic Fibrosis data

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Presentation Abstract:

Prof. Ying Zhang
University of Nebraska Medical Center

IS2-2 | Semiparametric estimation of misclassified semi-competing risks data under gamma-frailty conditional Markov model

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Presentation Abstract:

Prof. Dipankar Bandyopadhyay
Virginia Commonwealth University

IS2-3 | Bayesian semiparametric modeling of spatially-referenced multistate current status data

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Presentation Abstract:


Giorgos Bakoyannis
Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indianapolis IN, United States
