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ORAL CONTRIBUTED SESSION 26: Prediction and Prognostic Models II

PARALLEL HALL 2 (Maurice Saltiel III Hall)
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:31 PM
PARALLEL HALL 2 (Maurice Saltiel III Hall)


Ms. Alexandra Hunt
Research Assistant
University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

OC26-1 | Externally validating clinical prediction models for recurrent events

2:00 PM - 2:18 PM
Mr. Jose Benitez-Aurioles
University of Manchester

OC26-2 | Understanding algorithmic fairness for clinical prediction in terms of net benefit and health equity

2:18 PM - 2:36 PM
Ms. Nathalie Weidinger
Senior Clinical Data Scientist
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach an der Riss, Germany

OC26-3 | Conceptualisation and visualisation of multivariable models for the analysis of biomarkers for patient selection in clinical trials

2:36 PM - 2:54 PM
Dr. Pamela Solano
University of Regensburg, Germany

OC26-4 | Comparing modern machine learning methods for predicted individual treatment effect

2:54 PM - 3:12 PM
Mr. Max Behrens
University of Freiburg, Germany

OC26-5 | Improving prediction models by incorporating external data with weights based on similarity

3:12 PM - 3:30 PM


Toshiro Tango
Center or Medical Statistics, Tokyo, Japan
