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INVITED SESSION 1: Causal Inference and Machine Learning

PLENARY HALL (Friends of Music)
Monday, July 22, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:33 PM
PLENARY HALL (M1 building upper floor)


Machine learning and causal inference have both surged over the past decades, each carrying their own promise of superior data analysis. More recently, they were merged to bring stronger evidence. Double robust causal inference has become a vehicle that motivates joining causal inference and machine learning. It is however often ill understood. In a first talk Erin Gabriel (Copenhagen University) will revisit the concept and practice of double robustness, cautioning against the common misbelief that any combination of IPW with outcome regression yields double robustness. In a second talk, Martin Spindler (University of Hamburg, co-author of the double ML package in R, introduces the new field of causal machine learning for causal inference in high dimensional data settings. In a final talk, we hear from Maya Peterson (Berkeley Center for Targeted Machine Learning and Causal Inference) about machine learning for sequential multiple assignment randomized trial analysis to support precision medicine.


Prof. Erin Gabriel
Associate Professor
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

IS1-1 | Double robust: A great asset not to be constructed lightly

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Presentation Abstract:

Prof. Martin Spindler
University of Hamburg, Germany

IS1-2 | Causal machine learning with DoubleML: An introduction and applications

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Presentation Abstract:

Prof. Maya L. Petersen
University of California at Berkeley

IS1-3 | Efficient and robust machine-learning-based approaches for simple, cluster randomized, and sequential multiple assignment randomised trial analysis: Illustrations from HIV trials in East Africa

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Presentation Abstract:


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Els Goetghebeur
Ghent University, Belgium
