#56 Oral Session – Digital Dentistry – Deep & Machine Learning

Salon des Roses B
Saturday, September 23, 2023
8:30 - 10:00
Salon des Roses B


Mr. Alexander Broll
Research Fellow
University Hospital Regensburg

Generative Deep Learning for the Fabrication of Inlays

Dr. Botond Simon
PhD student
Semmelweis University

The Effect of Sex and Ethnicity on Palatal Geometry-Based Identification

Ms. Katharina Mücke
Postgraduate Orthodontic Student
University Hospital Düsseldorf

Pre- to Post-Pandemic Learning Effectiveness in Oral Radiology Courses

Ms. Aybeniz Oguzhan
Speciality Student
Ege University Faculty Of Dentistry

Implementation of Machine Learning Models in Preclinical Dental Education

Prof. Galit Almoznino
Associate Professor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine

Co-Morbidities in Temporomandibular Disorders - Machine Learning and Statistical Analytics


Galit Almoznino
Associate Professor
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah School of Dental Medicine

Alexander Broll
Research Fellow
University Hospital Regensburg
