Session 7B - Long Oral Presentation Session (Ductwork & windows airtightness)

Nally Suite
Thursday, October 10, 2024
13:30 - 14:30
Nally Suite


Mark Modera
UC Davis, United States of America

Leakage in Large-Building Duct Systems: Modelling the Savings for Various Applications

Federico Pedranzini
Politecnico Di Milano, Italy

Proposal of a more reliable model and procedures for estimating operational leakage in air systems.

Martin Prignon
Buildwise, Belgium

Literature Review on Windows Airtightness Performances: Insights and Gaps

Theodoros Sotirios Tountas
FUV, Greece

Measurements in Greece of installed windows and comparison between the given air permeability classification and the classification applied to the building envelope


Manfred Plagmann
Branz, New Zealand

Iain Walker
LBNL, United States of America
